The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy: the polarized media landscape in Syria |
Rima Marrouch, freelance journalist for Reuters, BBC, CBS, and Al Jazeera, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar Series, Introduction by Richard Sambrook. Please note, that there are videos within this presentation which may sound distorted. |
Rima Marrouch |
Fear and Loathing International Relations - Cyril Foster Lecture 2017 |
Although the 2003 Iraq War was linked to the "War on Terror" the case for the war was presented, at least in the UK, within the terms of the established framework of international relations, with the UN at the centre. |
Lawrence Freedman |
Investigative journalism in the age of social news |
Tom Warren, investigations correspondent, BuzzFeed UK gives a talk for the Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Tom Warren |
Newsweek: Legacy title as startup |
Part of The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series, with Owen Matthews, Contributing editor and former Moscow and Istabul Bureau, Chief, Newsweek. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Owen Matthews |
Freedom of information and the informed citizen |
Part of the The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series, with Heather Brooke, investigative journalist, author and Professor of journalism at City University, introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Heather Brooke |
The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series - ‘Reporting Africa: New storytellers, new stories?’ |
Melanie Bunce, senior lecturer in Journalism, City University, co-editor of Africa's Media Image in the 21st Century gives a talk for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. |
Melanie Bunce |
Digital transformation - the organisation challenges |
Introduction by Richard Sambrook |
Lucy Küng |
Is censorship stifling China's media? |
Introduction by Richard Sambrook |
Vincent Ni |
Making an impact with journalism in today's 24/7 digital news landscape |
Part of the Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series, with Rachel Oldroyd, managing editor, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Rachel Oldroyd |
Old media, new media, and politics in Brazil |
Part of the Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series, by Americo Martins, editor, Global Editorial Partnerships, BBC, and former director general of Brazil's public broadcasting company. |
Americo Martins |
The Responsibility to Protect in a Time of Trump: Can Human Protection Weather the Storm? |
Professor Alex Bellamy (University of Queensland) discusses new challenges for implementing Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principles in the current age. |
Richard Caplan, Alex Bellamy |
Statistics, the BBC and impartiality |
Jil Matheson, former UK national statistician and leader of BBC Trust Review gives a talk for The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series. With an introduction by Denise Lievesley. |
Jil Matheson |
Catastrophic Success: President Erdogan of Turkey and the opposition media |
Kerim Balci, editor in chief, Turkish Review gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series. With an introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Kerim Balci |
Reuters: innovating to stay ahead - from pigeons to multimedia The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series |
Jane Barrett, global head of multimedia, Editorial, Reuters, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Jane Barrett |
Strength in numbers - how journalists cracked the Panama Papers |
Holly Watt, investigations correspondent, at the Guardian talks about how journalists cracked the Panama Papers. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Holly Watt |
Quartz: a mobile-first approach to news |
Part of the the Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series, by Akshat Rathi, Reporter, Quartz. Introduction by RIchard Sambrook. |
Akshat Rathi |
How the BBC reaches digital audiences in South Asia |
Roopa Suchak, South Asia workstream lead, BBC gives a talk for the Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Roopa Suchak |
From Afghanistan to a more dangerous world |
Christina Lamb, Foreign affairs correspondent, Sunday Times, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Christina Lamb |
How journalism faces a second wave of disruption from technology and changing audience behaviour |
Part of the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series by Nic Newman, digital media strategist and research associate, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. |
Nic Newman |
Book Launch: 'Citizens' Wealth' |
Author Angela Cummine gives a brief overview of her book on Sovereign Wealth Funds: what they are, and who actually owns them. |
Angela Cummine, Charles Conn |
British Press Coverage of the EU Referendum |
Launch of RISJ report on the press coverage of the EU referendum, Tuesday 20th September at European Parliament Office Europe House. David Levy (Director, RISJ) presented the of key findings of the report. |
David Levy, Matthew Elliott, Lucy Thomas, Jonathan Isaby, Richard Corbett |
Shakespeare and Machiavellian Politics of Violence, Closing Keynote |
Closing Keynote: Elizabeth Frazer (University of Oxford) gives the closing keynote for the Political Demonologies conference, held at Worcester College on 20th May 2016. |
Elizabeth Frazer |
The pessimistic anthropology of liberalism vs. the Good |
Adrian Pabst (University of Kent) gives a talk for Session 3: Demonologies of the Soul – Beyond Evil, part of the Political Demonologies conference, held at Worcester College on 20th May 2016. |
Adrian Pabst |
Going Beyond Evil in Theory, Politics and Practice |
Max Muir (University of Oxford) gives a talk in session 3 Demonologies of the Soul – Beyond Evil, part of the Political Demonology conference, held at Worcester College on 20th May 2016. |
Max Muir |
‘“Political Theology” or “Occasional Decisionism”? On the Formal Character of Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology’ |
Bruno Godefroy (Universities of Erlangen and Lyon) gives a talk in Session 2: Political (Dis-) Orders, part of the Political Demonologies conference held at Worcester College on 20th May 2016. |
Bruno Godefroy |
The Dialectics of Individualism and Totalitarianism in Charles de Koninck, David Foster Wallace, and Michel Houellebecq |
Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist. (Heiligenstift, Austria), gives the first talk in Session 2: Political (Dis-) Orders, part of the Political Demonology conference, held at Worcester College on 20th May 2016. |
Edmund Waldstein |
Modernist Myths of the Fall |
Henry Mead (Teesside University) gives the third talk in Session 1, (Demono-) Logics, at the Political Demonology conference, held at Worcester College on 20th May 2016. |
Henry Mead |
The Two Deaths of Osama Bin Laden –Demonic Repetition in Contemporary Culture |
Tom Grimwood (University of Cumbria) gives the second talk for Session 1; (Demono-) Logics Political Demonology conference, held in Worcester College on 20th May 2016. |
Tom Grimwood |
The Nightmare that Dreams: The Soul and Nihilism - Opening Keynote |
Conor Cunningham (University of Nottingham) gives the opening keynote in the Political Demonology conference, held at Worcester College Oxford on 20the May 2016. |
Conor Cunningham |
Twenty-five Years in the Search for Peace: Reflections on the Nobel Peace Prize |
Geir Lundestad, a Norwegian historian, who until 2014 served as the director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, delivered the 2016 Cyril Foster Lecture, 'Twenty-five Years in the Search for Peace: Reflections on the Nobel Peace Prize', on 3rd March 2016. |
Geir Lundestad |
'A Feminist Voyage Through International Relations' |
Professor Emerita J. Ann Tickner (University of Southern California) delivers a lecture on the role of feminist theory in the field of international relations. |
J. Ann Tickner, Andrew Hurrell |
'The Case for Offshore Balancing' with John Mearsheimer |
Professor John J. Mearsheimer (University of Chicago) presents the conclusions of his latest article published in 'Foreign Affairs' on offshore balancing. |
John J. Mearsheimer, Duncan Snidal, Ulrike Franke |
Elliot Lecture: 'The History of the Russian-Soviet Soul' |
St Antony's College hosts the 2015 Nobel Prize winner in Literature, Svetlana Alexievich, for a discussion of her the Soviet soul and her current and former projects. |
Svetlana Alexievich, Margarita Vaysman, Oliver Ready, Margaret MacMillan |
'Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World' |
Professor Timothy Garton Ash discusses the premise of his new book titled 'Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World.' |
Timothy Garton Ash, Margaret MacMillan, Adam Roberts, Patricia Thornton, Faisal Devji |
News in the digital age, and how The Economist fits in |
Tom Standage, Deputy Editor, The Economist, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Tom Standage |
The Kidnapping of journalists: reporting from high-risk conflict zones |
Hannah Storm, director of International News Safety Institute (INSI) and RISJ author gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Hannah Storm |
Saving the media. Capitalism, crowdfunding, and democracy |
Julia Cage, assistant professor of economics, Sciences Po Paris, Department of Economics, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. |
Julia Cage |
Covering Syria and the Refugee Crisis |
Lindsey Hilsum, International Editor, Channel 4, gives a talk for the Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Lindsey Hilsum |
'Poland: Internationalism, Nationalism and Challenges of the International Environment' |
President of the Stefan Batory Foundation Aleksander Smolar discusses nationalism and internationalism in contemporary Poland |
Aleksander Smolar, Stephen Whitefield |
The Future of the BBC |
Special lecture by former Chairman of the BBC Trust and current Chancellor of the University of Oxford Lord Patten of Barnes on the future of the BBC. Followed by a discussion between Lord Patten and Tim Gardam, Principal of St Anne's College. |
Lord Patten of Barnes, Tim Gardam |
The Challenges of Reporting Iran |
Sadeq Saba, the former head of the BBC Persian Service, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Sadeq Saba |
The evolving practice of foreign correspondents |
Giovanna Dell’Orto, associate professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Giovanna Dell’Orto |
Text in the Social Sciences Session 4: Topic Modeling |
Félix Krawatzek and Andy Eggers discuss methods to analyse large bodies of text in more systematic and reliable ways. |
Félix Krawatzek, Andy Eggers |
Text in the Social Sciences Session 3: Scaling and Dictionary Approaches |
Félix Krawatzek and Andy Eggers discuss methods to analyse large bodies of text in more systematic and reliable ways. |
Félix Krawatzek. Andy Eggers |
Text in the Social Sciences Session 2: Text as Discourse |
Félix Krawatzek and Andy Eggers discuss methods to analyse large bodies of text in more systematic and reliable ways. |
Félix Krawatzek, Andy Eggers |
Text in the Social Sciences Session 1: Getting Started |
Félix Krawatzek and Andy Eggers discuss methods to analyse large bodies of text in more systematic and reliable ways. |
Félix Krawatzek, Andy Eggers |
Book Launch: 'Emotional Diplomacy: Official Emotion on the International Stage' |
Professor Todd Hall discussed his recently published book, 'Emotional Diplomacy: Official Emotion on the International Stage.' |
Todd Hall |
The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series - Spies and Journalists: The Impossible Relationship |
John Lloyd, Senior Research Fellow, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. Introduction by Chris Westcott |
John Lloyd |
The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series - How Buzzfeed Covers News |
Jim Waterson, Deputy Editor, Buzzfeed UK gives a talk for the Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. Videos used in the seminar, so sound may be slightly distorted. |
Jim Waterson |
The problems of reporting Islamic State |
John Simpson, BBC World Affairs editor, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series on Islamic State. |
John Simpson |
Valuable journalism: what journalists need to know about audiences, but seldom ask |
Irene Costera Meijer, professor of journalism, VU University, Amsterdam, gives a talk for The Business and Practice of Journalism Seminar Series. |
Irene Costera Meijer |
Hurricanes and hashtags: the power dynamics of humanitarian reporting in a digital age |
Glenda Cooper, lecturer in journalism, City University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute. Please note: Sound of speaker decreases during recording. |
Glenda Cooper |
How new media are changing African journalism |
Ismail Einashe, London-based freelance journalist covering Africa, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Ismail Einashe |
Challenging charisma: constructing grievance and the limits of legitimacy in post-Crimea Russia |
Samuel Greene talks about outbreak of protests in Russia and political events after the annexation of Crimea |
Samuel Greene, Paul Chaisty |
Geopolitics of Fear: South East Europe in a dangerous neighbourhood |
The seminar series addresses some of the acute problems affecting Europe, as seen especially from a South Eastern European perspective, and combine the thematic (refugee, economic and political crises) with the country specific approaches. |
David Madden, Richard Caplan, Neil MacFarlane, Othon Anastasakis, Kalypso Nicolaidis |
The Making of a Constitution: Pakistan and the Question of Sovereignty |
The speaker analyses the concept of 'sovereignty' as presented in the Objectives Resolution of Pakistan presented to the Constituent Assembly in March 1949 |
Faisal Devji, Yaqoob Khan Bangash |
Divergences between the law of marriage and its social meaning: are same-sex marriages unique? |
In 2013, the UK Parliament legalized same-sex marriage in England and Wales. Dr Scot Peterson discusses whether this is the first time there has been a divergence in the general understanding of marriage and the definition enshrined in law. |
Scot Peterson, Kenneth Howse |
Intimate Rivals: Japanese Domestic Politics and a Rising China |
Sheila A. Smith, a senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, discusses her new book, "Intimate Rivals: Japanese Domestic Politics and a Rising China." |
Sheila A. Smith, Rosemary Foot |
Incorporating Ethnicity: Ethnodevelopment Policy in Latin America, 1985-2005 |
Professor Sarah Chartock discusses ethnodevelopment policies, illustrated with the cases of Peru, Ecuador and Guatemala. |
Sarah Chartock, Maya Tudor |
Oxford Women in Politics with Dr Anne-Marie Slaughter |
Dr Slaughter discusses workplace policies and the value we place on care of children and other loved ones. |
Anne-Marie Slaughter, Rebecca Fradkin |
The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series - Navigating the infosmog |
Richard Sambrook, Director of the Centre for Journalism at Cardiff School of Journalism and RISJ senior research fellow, gives a talk for the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series . Introduction by James Painter. |
Richard Sambrook |
Social media and protests in Turkey |
Esra Dogramaci, digital consultant, BBC World Service Digital and Technology group gives a talk for the Reuters Institute semianbr series. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Esra Dogramaci |
The changing nature of reporting from a war zone |
Nazanine Moshiri (Al Jazeera English), gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. Part of the The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series. |
Nazanine Moshiri |
Lecture 4: Spain and the World (1976-1992) |
Spain on the international stage. |
Marina Perez de Arcos |
Lecture 3: Institutions of Democracy: King, President, Parliament, and Autonomous Communities |
Democratic institution building. |
Marina Perez de Arcos |
Lecture 2: The Spanish Transition (1975-1978) |
Spain's transition from dictatorship to democracy in the 1970s. |
Marina Perez de Arcos |
Lecture 1: Development and Dissent in Franco's Spain (1959-1975) |
Economic development and political dissent in Franco's Spain. |
Marina Perez de Arcos |
The Challenges of Reporting Europe |
Bill Emmott, ex-editor of the Economist and international newspaper columnist delivers a Reuters Institute Business and Practice of Journalism seminar. |
Bill Emmott |
War and Ecology in China: Henan Province, the Yellow River and beyond |
Dr Micah Muscolino discusses his new book entitled "The Ecology of War in China: Henan Province, the Yellow River, and Beyond, 1938–1950." |
Micah Muscolino, Erica Charters |
What is Happening with TV? |
Bruno Patino, director of the Journalism School, Sciences Po, Paris, ex-director of digital, strategy and TV channels at France Télévisions. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Bruno Patino |
The Business and Practice of Journalism seminar series - BBC Journalism: Future Uncertain? |
Richard Tait, Professor of journalism and former BBC governor, Cardiff University. Introduction by Richard Sambrook. Please note, the videos in this podcast are slightly distorted due to a technical error. |
Richard Tait |
Are the BRICS building a New World Media Order |
Daya Thussu, professor of internal communication, and co-editor of 'Mapping BRICS Media' University of Westminster, gives a talk for the Reuters Seminar series. |
Daya Thusso |
Can data save journalism? How analytics change the newsroom and beyond |
Klaus Miller, junior professor of quantitative marketing, Goethe University, Frankfurt gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Klaus Miller |
The Aftermath of World War II and the New Political Geography of Europe |
Modern European History Professor Paul Betts reflects on the legacy of World War II and its relevance to conflicts and crises today. |
Paul Betts, Félix Krawatzek |
Migration, Protection and Reception: The 'crisis' in the Mediterranean |
How Europe's external border controls that limit and monitor the entry of non-Europeans relates to the reception of migrants in the European Union |
Brad Blitz, Othon Anastasakis |
How data can help journalists to do better storytelling and reporting |
Jacqui Maher, interactive journalist, BBC News Labs, Introduction by Richard Sambrook. |
Jacqui Maher |
'Examinations and Gender Gaps' Panel 2: Experiences from Oxford |
Both undergraduate degrees in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, as well as History and Politics have a gender discrepancy in finals results. This workshop addresses the reasons for these differences. |
Sara Smith, Jane Mellanby, Anna Bradshaw, Margaret Stevens, Catherine De Vries |
'Examinations and Gender Gaps' Panel 1: Best Practices for Examination and Ways of Combatting Gender Gaps |
Both undergraduate degrees in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, as well as History and Politics have a gender discrepancy in finals results. This workshop addresses the reasons for these differences. |
Jo-Anne Baird, Sara Smith, Janet Dyson, Jane Gingrich, Catherine De Vries |
How journalism faces a second wave of disruption from technology and changing audience behaviour |
Nic Newman, digital media strategist and research associate, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. Introduction by James Painter and Richard Sambrook. |
Nic Newman |
Making Sovereign Finance and Human Rights Work |
Discussion of 'Making Sovereign Finance and Human Rights Work,' a recently-published collection that introduces novel legal theories and analyses the links between sovereign debt and human rights from a variety of perspectives. |
Andreas Føllesdal, Sheldon Leader, Rosa Maria Lastra, Jernej Letnar Cernic, Jesse Tomalty, Jaakko Kuosmanen, Angela Cummine, Stuart White |
'David Miller's Political Philosophy' Panel 5 |
This panel includes two talks: 'Hume on Authority' and 'Political Philosophy and Autobiography.' This conference was held in honour of David Miller's contribution to political philosophy. |
Leslie Green, Sarah Fine, Stuart White |
'David Miller’s Political Philosophy' Panel 4 |
This panel includes two talks: 'Miller on Human Rights' and 'The Right to Drive People Away.' This conference was held to honour David Miller's contribution to political philosophy. |
Christopher Heath Wellman, Jeremy Waldron, Alice Baderin |
'David Miller's Political Philosophy' Panel 3 |
This panel includes two talks: 'Self-Determination, Revolution, and Intervention' and 'Multiculturalism, National Identity, and Failed Citizenship.' This conference was held to honour David Miller's contribution to political philosophy. |
Allen Buchanan, Patti Lenard, Jesse Tomalty |
'David Miller’s Political Philosophy' Keynote: Political Philosophy: Looking Back |
David Miller describes his experience in the field of political philosophy at a conference held in his honour. |
David Miller |
'David Miller’s Political Philosophy' Panel 2 |
This panel includes two talks: 'Religious Freedom, Public Space and Democratic Self-Determination' and 'Fertility, Mortality, and National Responsibility.' This conference was held to honour David Miller's contribution to political philosophy. |
Cécile Laborde, Andrew Williams, Simon Caney |
'David Miller’s Political Philosophy' Panel 1 |
This panel includes two talks: 'Miller's Crossing' and 'On Self-Determination.' This conference was held to honour David Miller's contribution to political philosophy. |
Jonathan Quong, Anna Stilz, Ashwini Vasanthakumar |
ISIS in the Eyes of the World-Wide Arab Community on Social Media: Between Sentiment and Foreign Fighters |
Using social media to analyse public opinion toward ISIS in the Arab community |
Luigi Curini, Stefano Iacus, Max Smeets |
Wake Up Europe! Why Britain should stay engaged and transform the EU |
The UK has a crucial role to play in the debate over how the EU should be reformed. This session engages in a conversation as to why and how. |
Kalypso Nicolaidis |
'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Session 4: Who is Sovereign, God or the People? |
Part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. |
Malise Ruthven, Hazem Kandil |
'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Session 3: Regional Consequences of the Suppression of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt |
Part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. |
Dr Ewan Stein, Dr Omar Ashour |
'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Session 2: Religiosity, Activism and Mobilization |
Part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. |
Gamal Soltan, Samir Morcos |
'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Session 1: Religion and Politics in Egyptian Public Opinion |
Part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. |
Mazen Hassan, Hisham Hellyer, Stephen Whitefield |
'Defining the Civil State in Egypt' Keynote: Religiosity and Politics in Egypt |
His Grace Bishop Angaelos delivered this address as part of a seminar on the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt. |
Bishop Angaelos, Elisabeth Kendall |
'How to Study Global IR?' Roundtable: Can the Study of IR be De-centred? |
Much work has been done to pluralize and relativize the study of IR, but where does this agenda go next? |
Nora Fisher Onar, Basak Kale, Andrew Hurrell, Kalypso Nicolaidis |
'How to Study Global IR?' Session 3: Re-thinking the Research Agenda for East Asian IR |
Much work has been done to pluralize and relativize the study of IR, but where does this agenda go next? |
Rosemary Foot, Mingde Wang |
'How to Study Global IR?' Session 2: The Global Study of Political Ideas |
Much work has been done to pluralize and relativize the study of IR, but where does this agenda go next? |
Rahul Rao, Martin Pioch, Laurence Whitehead |
'How to Study Global IR?' Session 1: The Global Study of IR |
Much work has been done to pluralize and relativize the study of IR, but where does this agenda go next? |
Amitav Acharya, Fleur Huijskens, Andrew Hurrell |
'Political Theory at the Margins' Roundtable Discussion |
Roundtable discussion with JanaLee Cherneski, Nathaniel Adam Tobias Coleman, Elizabeth Frazer, Humeira Iqtidar. |
Nathaniel Adam Tobias Coleman, Humeira Iqtidar, Elizabeth Frazer |
'Political Theory at the Margins' Keynote: The Role of Race |
Delivered by Nathaniel Adam Tobias Coleman (University College London) |
Nathaniel Adam Tobias Coleman |
'Political Theory at the Margins' Panel 3: Theorizing Oppression and Emancipation |
Part of the Oxford Graduate Political Theory Conference, a conference that aims to explore themes and topics in political theory that resonate with contemporary political events and phenomena. |
Rachelle Bascara, Johann Lieb, Dan Butt, Dana Mills |