Who Influences the Career Choices of Young People in Care? |
Dr Mariela Neagu discusses her research exploring the experiences young people who grew up in care when it comes to making education and career choices. |
Mariela Neagu, Laura Molway |
A discussion with Class Divide |
Claire Neaves talks to Curtis from Class Divide, a grassroots movement fighting to transform educational opportunities in East Brighton. |
Claire Neaves, Curtis James |
What we can learn from England, Northern Ireland, and Wales' Performance in PISA 2022 |
In this episode, Professor Jenni Ingram and Dr Stuart Cadwallader discuss their analysis, undertaken with Pearson for the OECD, of England, Northern Ireland and Wales' performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022. |
Jenni Ingram, Stuart Cadwallader, Joe Bullough |
Chatting with Nabeela Kajee on the complexity of empathy, and how it can be cultivated in health professionals and trainees |
Chatting with Nabeela Kajee on the complexity of empathy, and how it can be cultivated in health professionals and trainees |
Nabeela Kajee, Danica Sims |
Chatting with Aditi Siddharth on finding a deep interest and building a coherent career story before embarking on a DPhil |
Aditi, an OBGYN registrar reflects on her doctoral journey sharing the importance of joy in research, good supervisory relationships, having a thick skin and building a CV that tells a story |
Aditi Siddarth, Danica Sims |
Chatting with Geoff Stetson on faculty development, feedback and MedEdMentor (and practicing what you preach) |
Geoff shares his move from internal medicine to education and faculty development, reflecting on the broader culture and priorities of medicine and the need to emphasise education. |
Geoff Stetson, Danica Sims |
Chatting with Luzaan Kock on innovative interprofessional education (IPE), Indigenous Knowledge Systems, and finding where you are meant to be |
Luzaan honestly and passionately shares her journey from physiotherapy into interprofessional education, including details on how to innovatively embed IPE within health professions education for education and health impact |
Luzaan Kock, Danica Sims |
A model to understand assessment practice in medicine |
Dr Nici Simms discusses her research on the assessment behaviours of clinician educators charged with assessing in undergraduate medical programmes. |
Danica Simms, Laura Molway |
Developing Oral Language through a Drama-based Intervention |
Dr Faidra Faitaki discusses her research on using a drama-based intervention to help develop oral language proficiency among primary school learners. |
Faidra Faitaki, Hamish Chalmers |
What makes a just primary education in Bristol schools? |
Fatima Mohamed Ali, Claire Neaves and Dr. Claire Stewart-Hall discuss their experiences of teaching in Bristol schools and opportunities to reimagine schooling differently. |
Claire Stewart-Hall, Fatima Mohamed Ali, Claire Neaves |
Demystifying the A-level grading process |
Associate Professor of Educational Assessment, Michelle Meadows and local teacher, Jonny Tridgell discuss the A-level grading process and how grade boundaries are set for these important national exams. |
Michelle Meadows, Jonny Tridgell, Hamish Chalmers |
Setting research priorities for English as an Additional Language. |
Hamish Chalmers discusses his study asking teachers what kinds of research they think should be prioritised to help inform policy and practice in teaching pupils for whom English is an additional language (EAL). |
Hamish Chalmers, Laura Molway |
What can we learn from asking students directly about their experiences of French lessons? |
Laura Molway discusses her research on students’ attitudes and experiences of learning French in secondary schools. She explores the value of teachers seeking direct feedback from their students and how this can help develop policy and practice. |
Laura Molway, Hamish Chalmers |
Chatting with Chris Kowalski |
In episode five we chat with Dr Chris Kowalski, a consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, from the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust in the United Kingdom, where he is the simulation lead and is involved in all stages of medical education. |
Chris Kowalski, Danica Sims |
Chatting with Simone Titus-Dawson |
In episode four we chat with Associate Professor Simone Titus-Dawson from the Centre for Health Professions Education in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. |
Simone Titus-Dawson, Danica Sims |
Chatting with Richard Canter |
In episode three we chat with Professor Richard Canter from the University of Oxford. He reflects over the decades of his fascinating career, sharing his story of how he, a surgeon, became involved in medical education and research. |
Richard Canter, Danica Sims |
Chatting with Danelle Hess |
In episode two we chat to Dr Danelle Hess from the University of the Western Cape in South Africa. |
Danelle Hess, Danica Sim |
Chatting with Danica Sims |
This is the first episode of “Conversations in Med Ed”. Podcast host, Dr Danica (’Nici’) Sims, plays the role of the guest, as her colleague, Dr Liam Guilfoyle, asks her, “Why start a podcast?” |
Danica Sims, Liam Guilfoyle |
OUCEA Annual Lecture 2022: The Future of Assessment |
Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment (OUCEA) presents a look into the future of assessment featuring guest speakers. |
Art Graesser, Sandra Milligan, Joshua McGrane, Therese N. Hopfenbeck |
From Inclusion to Exclusion from School: Transforming the lives of young people with special educational needs and disabilities? |
This seminar explores the process of formal and informal exclusion from the macro, meso and micro level to understand some of the complex interactions between policy, school and individual factors. |
Jill Porter, Ruth Moyse |
Law and Exclusion from School |
Combining legal analysis, theory, and evidence from practice, Lucinda Ferguson argues that the law is ill-equipped to support children at risk of permanent exclusion from school, particularly children with disabilities or other additional needs. |
Lucinda Ferguson |
Exclusion and Mental Health: Exploring the Role of Improved Provision in Schools |
This talk discusses the latest understanding of mental health needs in adolescent populations in the UK and the potential role that mental health services in schools can play. |
Mina Fazel |
Alternative Provision and School Exclusions |
This presentation will discuss the place of Alternative Provision (AP) in the process of exclusion in England, with a particular focus on issues related to social justice. |
Martin Mills |
Differences in rates of school exclusions in the four jurisdictions to the UK |
This seminar reports on the ongoing work of the multi-disciplinary and multi-site Excluded Lives Group whose work has led to the ESRC funds project The Political Economies of School Exclusion and their Consequences. |
Harry Daniels, Ian Thompson, Alice Tawell |
Rees Centre Annual lecture 2019 - School Exclusions |
Panel presentations (Harry Daniels, Alison Woodhead and Lisa Cherry) for the Rees Centre Annual Lecture 2019 on school exclusion and issues for looked after and adopted children. |
Harry Daniels, Alison Woodhead, Lisa Cherry |
CGHE series on international and global higher education – seminar 2: The global and the post-colonial PART TWO |
David Mills and Simon Marginson present on the theme of ‘The global and the post-colonial’ |
Simon Marginson, David Mills |
CGHE series on international and global higher education – seminar 2: The global and the post-colonial PART ONE |
David Mills and Simon Marginson present on the theme of ‘The global and the post-colonial’ |
Simon Marginson, David Mills |
CGHE series on international and global higher education – seminar 1: International development in higher education PART TWO |
Maia Chankseliani and Tristan McGowan on international development in higher education |
Maia Chankseliani, Tristan McCowan |
CGHE series on international and global higher education – seminar 1: International development in higher education PART ONE |
Maia Chankseliani and Tristan McGowan on international development in higher education |
Maia Chankseliani, Tristan McCowan |
Argument, Evidence and Continuity in the Augar Report |
Released in May 2019, the Augar report was a result of a 6 person panel chaired by Philip Augar and was the first in England to have a remit for the whole of tertiary education. Parry argues whether its features are the nature of expert panels. |
Gareth Parry |
Integrating and AugmentingTertiary Education Students' Experiences in Workplace Settings |
Drawing upon three large studies in Australian higher education, this presentation sets out a case for the kinds of curriculum practices, as well as a range of pedagogic practices that can be enacted prior to, during and after students’ work placements. |
Stephen Billett |
Artificial Intelligence and Social Relations in Schools: Who are the 'Digital winners'? |
This lecture explores the different types of artificial intelligence systems in common use in education, before relating this to the covert use of algorithms in influencing educational journeys. |
Sandra Leaton-Gray |
When Global Players Struggle: The Political and Material Aspects of International Organisations’ Cooperation in Higher Education |
University of Lyon 2's Dorota Dakowska on re-examining the transnational circulation of policy schemes relative to Higher Education governance |
Dorota Dakowska |
Re and De-contextualizing global citizenship education – systematic analysis of the scholarship in the field |
With the rising interest in GCE, understanding the current research landscape could be useful for policy-makers, educators and scholars who seek to build upon the existing body of knowledge and develop it in new directions. |
Miri Yemini |
Poverty Matters: Family income, parenting and child outcomes |
Naomi Eisenstadt presents evidence that low income itself reduces the chances of good outcomes for children and causes stress in families which exacerbates the risk. |
Naomi Eisenstadt |
Us and them? Analysing the inclusion of foreign-born academics in British academia |
Abertay University's Toma Pustelnikovaite on the nuances underlying the influx of migrant academics into the UK. |
Toma Pustelnikovaite |
Using Formative Assessment to Catalyse Self-Regulated Learning |
This 2019 Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment lecture is delivered by Professor Nancy Perry. |
Nancy Perry |
What are Teachers' Professional Competencies? |
This public seminar series considers teacher education reforms around the world in order to tease out future directions and possibilities for the relationships between teacher education policy, research and practice. |
Auli Toom |
Building Research Capacity in Teacher Education |
Seminar 8 of 8 on teacher education reforms. Alis unpacks the notion of 'capacity' through a historiography of initiatives and a review of attempts at conceptual development. |
Alis Oancea |
The Connections and Disconnections in Teacher Education Policy, Research and Practice Future Research Directions |
This seminar examines the alignments and tensions between teacher education research, policy and practice. This is the sixth seminar in a series of eight public seminars on 'Future directions in teacher education research, practice and policy'. |
Diane Mayer |
OES Annual Lecture: The Quest for Better Teaching |
This lecture explores why efforts to improve teaching too often fail and outlines new research on pedagogy and teacher development, which has been achieving promising signs of real change. |
Jenny Gore (Visiting Professor, Department of Education) |
Comparative teacher education research: Global perspectives in teacher education past, present and future |
Seminar five of eight in series "Future directions in teacher education research, practice and policy". |
Maria Teresa Tatto |
Making Change Happen - The Reform of Initial Teacher Education in Wales |
This public seminar series considers teacher education reforms around the world in order to tease out future directions and possibilities for the relationships between teacher education policy, research and practice. |
John Furlong |
Classroom-based Interventions Across Subject Areas: Research to Understand What Works in Education |
Seminar two of eight in series "Future directions in teacher education research, practice and policy". This seminar is based on a recent book, which aims to help researchers and practitioners understand how and why interventions can be successful or not. |
Gabriel Stylianides, Ian Thompson, Katharine Burn, Nicholas Andrews, Alexandra Haydon, Ann Childs, Trevor Mutton |
Student Access to Colleges at the University of Oxford |
Seminar led by a panel of heads of colleges and senior tutors to discuss Oxford's student selection process |
Ivor Crewe, Helen King, Alan Rusbridger, Maggie Snowling, Simon Smith, Mark Wormald, Lucas Bertholdi-Saad |
Promoting fairer access to higher education: the necessity of contextualised admissions |
The ethical case for reducing entry requirements for disadvantaged learners |
Vikki Boliver, Andrew Bell, Peter Thonemann, Neil Harrison |
Rethinking Teacher Education - The Problem with Accountability |
Professor Marilyn Cochran-Smith argues why we need to “reclaim” teacher education accountability for the profession and in support of the larger democratic project. |
Marilyn Cochran-Smith |
Access and Participation at Postgraduate level: research findings and their implications for policy and practice |
This seminar will review the evidence on access to postgraduate study, identify what this might mean for funders, universities and their communities, and outline outstanding gaps in our knowledge. |
Paul Wakeling, Mike Bonsall, Nick Brown, Paul Martin |
Access and Participation in English HE: A Fair and Equal Opportunity for All? |
The seminar will identify how universities and government have sought to make progress in this area during the last two decades and the patterns of participation arising from this. |
Simon Marginson, Chris Millward, Martin Williams |
A Rational Approach to Evidence-Based Decision Making in Education Policy |
If education policy-making is based strictly on rigorous evidence there is a risk of bias towards simple, discrete, measurable interventions. We present a framework for considering inconclusive evidence. |
Matthew Jukes |
Teachers' professional development on summative assessment of practical science: perspectives from Project Calibrate |
This seminar will focus on the teacher education aspect of the project. It will outline the approaches being implemented to develop the teachers' knowledge and understanding to implement strategies to teach and assess practical science. |
Sibel Erduran, Ann Childs, Alison Cullinane |
Admissions Testing Preparation Effects |
This seminar is the first of a five-part seminar series on 'Student Access to University'. This seminar discusses the relationships between student characteristics and test performances with Oxford University admissions tests data. |
Jo-Anne Baird, Karen O'Brien, Samina Khan, Rebecca Surender |
Equity and quality of educationL Paradoxes from Hong Kong and Singapore |
An exploration of equity and quality of education in Hong Kong and Singapore. |
Maria Manzon |
The Age-Eclipsing Effects of Environment and Input on L2 Attainment in Instructional Contexts |
This seminar explores some myths about L2 attainment in instructional contexts, drawing on evidence from a five-year longitudinal study conducted in Switzerland and carried out by the speakers themselves. |
Simone E Pfenninger, David Singleton |
Causal models of developmental disorders |
In studies in psychology and education it is essential to think clearly about causal mechanisms. In this seminar Professor Hulme will outline the use of path diagrams as tools for representing, reasoning about, and testing causal models. |
Charles Hulme |
What is the future for subject-based education research? |
This seminar will provide an assessment of the development of research in subject-based education, and of its future prospects. Using geography education as an exemplar, it will offer a challenging critique of this field of research. |
Graham Butt |
Evidence-Informed Inspection? Research at Ofsted |
A look at the role of research in developing the work of Ofsted as 'an intelligent inspectorate'. |
Daniel Muijs |
Exploring Needs, Costs and Outcomes of Services Provided to Vulnerable Children and their Families |
This seminar will explore the relationship between the needs, services received and outcomes for children and families supported by children’s social care (CSC) services. |
Lisa Holmes |
Higher Education and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of the Intercultural Universities in Mexico |
This seminar will present findings of an exploratory study of the Intercultural University of Veracruz, one of a number of institutions created in Mexico to ensure access for indigenous populations, promote local development and to provide... |
Tristan McCowan |
The Untapped Potential of 'Work' for Looked After Young People – Challenges and Opportunities |
The seminar will explore the transformative potential of 'work' (ranging from paid employment to internships to volunteering) for marginalised young people. |
Robbie Gilligan |
A study of children starting school and the progress they make in their first year around the world: The iPIPS project |
Professor Peter Tymms (Durham University) delivers a seminar on the iPIPS project; an international study of children starting school around the world and the progress that they make in their first year at school. |
Peter Tymms |
A Founding Editors Perspective |
Professor Patricia Broadfoot, Emeritus Professor of Education, gives a presentation for the OUCEA conference. |
Patricia Broadfoot |
Future Direction |
Therese N. Hopfenbeck gives a talk for the Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 25th Anniversary conference. Assessment for Learning 20 years after The Black Box. |
Therese N. Hopfenbeck |
Assessment and learning theories |
Jo-Anne Baird gives a talk for the Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 25th Anniversary conference. Assessment for Learning 20 years after The Black Box. |
Jo-Anne Baird |
Formative assessment: where do we go from here? |
Ernesto Panadero gives a talk for the Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 25th Anniversary conference. Assessment for Learning 20 years after The Black Box |
Ernesto Panadero |
Assessment in Education's knowledge contribution to Formative Assessment |
Gordon Stobart gives a talk for the Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 25th Anniversary conference. Assessment for Learning 20 years after The Black Box. |
Gordon Stobart |
Comments from previous editors' presentations |
Mary James gives a talk for the Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 25th Anniversary conference. Assessment for Learning 20 years after The Black Box |
Mary James |
Formative assessment: Confusions, clarifications, and prospects for consensus |
Dylan Wiliam gives a talk for the Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 25th Anniversary conference. Assessment for Learning 20 years after The Black Box |
Dylan Wiliam |
An author's appreciation |
Paul Black gives a talk for the Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 25th Anniversary conference. Assessment for Learning 20 years after The Black Box. |
Paul Black |
Welcome to the conference |
Therese N. Hopfenbeck opens the conference; Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 25th Anniversary conference. Assessment for Learning 20 years after The Black Box. |
Therese N Hopfenbeck |
Social Pedagogy in the UK today: where are we up to and where are we going? |
Professor Claire Cameron from UCL Institute of Education gives a talk hosted by the Rees Centre for Fostering and Education |
Claire Cameron |
System coherence and cohesion in English further education provision - glass half empty, or glass half full (and what's in the glass)? |
Professor Ewart Keep, Director of SKOPE Department of Education, gives a talk for the public seminar series |
Ewart Keep |
The development of quantitative reasoning |
Emeritus Professor Terezinha Nunes, Department of Education, gives a talk for the public seminar series hosted by the department's Subject Pedagogy Research Group |
Terezinha Nunes |
Measurement with no standards: reflections of an unconventional psychometrician |
Dr Joshua McGrane, Department of Education, gives a talk for the public seminar series hosted by the Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment |
Joshua McGrane |
Literacy and foundation learning in multilingual India |
Dr Sonali Nag, Oxford Departmant of Education, gives a talk for the public seminar series hosted by the department's Families, Effecrive Learning and Literacy Research Group |
Dr Sonali Nag |
Stability and change in developmental language disorders |
Professor Professor Courtenay Norbury, University College London, gives a talk for the public seminar series hosted by the Department of Education's Applied Linguistics Research Group. |
Courtenay Norbury |
Mediatising religious education: BBC radio and television for children and schools, c.1920s-1970s |
Professor Stephen G Parker, University of Worcester, gives a talk for the public seminar series hosted by Department of Education's Philosophy, Religion and Education Forum. |
Stephen Parker |
If 'The Youth of the Country are the Trustees of Posterity' (Benjamin Disraeli, 1845), do we need to do more to support young people who are NEET in the UK? |
Sue Maguire is Honorary Professor at the Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath, gives a talk for the public seminar series hosted by SKOPE, Department of Education. |
Sue Maguire |
Learning with Conversational Agents that Launch Multiple Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Learning Resources |
Professor Art Graesser, Psychology and the Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis, gives a talk for the public seminar series hosted by OUCEA, Department of Education. |
Art Graesser |
English Medium Instruction Research: What do we know so far and what do we still need to find out? |
Ernesto Macaro, Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Oxford, gives a talk for the Department of Education public seminar series. |
Ernesto Macaro |
Long term outcomes of former child migrants in care in Australia. "Uprooted from everything that attaches you". |
Professor Elizabeth Fernandez, University of New South Wales Sydney, gives a public seminar hosted by the Rees Centre, Department of Education |
Elizabeth Fernandez |
Recent Developments in Reading Assessment in the USA National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): An Analysis of Conceptual, Digital, Psychometric, and Policy Trends |
OUCEA Annual Lecture, 25th May 2017, Ashmolean Museum |
David Pearson, Maggie Snowling |
Lexical diversity and coverage in tertiary-level STEM:
a corpus-based comparison of English-medium lectures in Anglophone and non-Anglophone contexts |
Jessica Briggs, Centre for Research and Development in English Medium Instruction, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the EMI conference. |
Jessica Briggs |
Language and disciplinary learning combined: CLIL challenging conceptions of language skills |
Tarja Nikula, Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyvåskylå, gives a talk for the EMI conference. |
Tarja Nikula |
Systematic review of English Medium Instruction |
Ernesto Macaro (with Samantha Seiter, Jiangshan An, Jack Pun, Julie Dearden), Centre for Research and Development in English Medium Instruction, University of Oxford, gives a talk for the EMI Symposium. |
Ernesto Macaro |
Building Optimal Predictive Models with Large Scale Assessment Data |
Professor David Kaplan (University of Wisconsin-Madison) gives a talk for the Department of Education Research Seminar series. |
David Kaplan |
What can we learn from PISA (2015)?- Design, innovations, challenges and limitations |
Professor Eckhard Klieme (German Institute for International Educational Research, DIPF) gives a talk for the Department of Education Research seminar series. |
Eckhard Klieme |
A synthesis of studies using PISA data – Implications for research, policy and practice |
Professor Leonidas Kyriakides (University of Cyprus) gives a talk for the Department of Education Research Seminar Series. |
Leonidas Kyriakides |
Assessing practical work in science |
Neil Wade Oxford, Cambridge and RSA (OCR) and Stella Paes Formerly AQA, give a seminar for the Department of Education seminar series. |
Stella Paes, Neil Wade |
Education, inequality and institutions |
This seminar will present recent research on the relationship between economic inequality and educational achievement as measured by large scale assessments. |
Robin Shields |
Bright Spots Project: The subjective well being of looked after children and survey development |
Professor Julie Selwyn, University of Bristol, gives a talk for the Education Department public seminar series. |
Julie Selwyn |
Standards in national examinations: What do they mean? |
Jo Anne Baird, Director of Department of Education, University of Oxford and Dennis Opposs, Ofqual, give a seminar for the Department of Education public seminar series. |
Jo Anne Baird, Dennis Opposs |
From Financial Literacy to Financial Capability and Financial Wellbeing: More than a semantic change |
Professor Elaine Kempson, University of Bristol, gives a talk for the Department of Education seminar series on 24th April 2017. |
Elaine Kempson |
Learning French in the primary school classroom: The origins of morphosyntax |
Professor Florence Myles, University of Essex, gives a talk for the Education department seminar series. |
Florence Myles |
Education and the new Conservatism: Social wellbeing, national character and British values |
Professor Gary McCulloch, UCL Institute of Education, gives a talk for the Education Public seminar series on 27th February 2017. |
Gary McCulloch |
The long term implications of devolution and localism for FE in England |
This lecture explores findings from a SKOPE research project (funded by the FE Trust for Leadership) on the implications of the devolution from central government to localities of certain aspects of post-19 further and adult education. |
Ewart Keep |
Imagining a future after schooling |
Young people navigating uncertainty in contemporary Britain. |
Graham Butt, Patrick Alexander |
Stuck! Britain’s social mobility problem |
The Sutton Trust’s Chief Executive, Dr Lee Elliot Major, will argue that Britain has failed to address its problem of low social mobility, drawing on a range of international evidence. |
Lee Elliot Major |
Socioeconomic inequalities in education achievement and student outcomes |
Anna Vignoles, Professor of Education and Director of Research at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge and a trustee of the Nuffield Foundation, gives a talk for the Department of Education Public Seminar Series. |
Anna Vignoles |
What are universities for? |
Keri Facer, Professor of Educational and Social Futures at the University of Bristol, gives the 6th Annual Lecture of the Oxford Education Society, the alumni and friends association of the Department of Education. |
Keri Facer |